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Smoke Salmon Recipe for King Salmon

Title: Smoke Salmon
by deaffisherman
Type: Entree
Servings: 4-6
Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time:
Cook Time:
Ingredients: Hi mountain, Alaskan Salmon Brine Mix with Maple flavor
1 gallon Poland Spring water 36 degrees
King salmon fillets refrigerated not frozen...FRESH, same day caught
Cabelas Salmon Rub Seasoning...generous shaking onto one side.
Total time in brine ...12 hrs @ 36 degrees
Total time in smoker....6 hrs @ 180 to 220 degrees
Directions: I used a prepared brine mix from Cabelas. I have to say it was very good and so simple to prepare. Just one gallon fresh cold water and the package disolved in it in a plastic deep dish. Fillets were soaked about 12 hours and ready for smoker.
The other part of the recipe was also a seasoning mix from Cabelas called Salmon Rub. A very robust mixture of spices that are good on the barby or the smoker.
After letting the fillets dry the pellicle, I shook on a generous amount of the rub on the top side of the fish. And began the smoke process with preheating the side fire box and grill with Kingsford briquets alone, to 180 degrees, adding the filets with no smoke for 30 minutes. Then began adding smoke from cherry wood chunks. Maintained the temp at180 to 200 for 4 hours with smoke and then raised the final temp to 220 for 30 minutes, and let fire cool gradually for 1 more hour.

Other Notes:
Date Added: 04/25/13 06:55 AM

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