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"Get Hooked on Kentucky"

Channel Catfish Comments

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User: garycherie
Comment: We catch Channel Cat at the lower boat ramp at Burnsville Lake.

Date: 03/24/14 05:11 PM

User: bassorbass
Comment: i have great success catching channels on frozen squid. It is very tough and stays on the hook well. It's also almost impossible for the fish to steal. Give it a shot.
Date: 12/29/12 06:58 PM

User: raptor915
Comment: Want the big one??? Try this..... take a filet of bluefish (YES BLUEFISH) put it in a ziplok bag in medium strips and let it go bad (UNTIL IT STINKS) Hold yer breath put it on yer hook (RUBBER GLOVES HIGHLY RECOMENDED) cast it out there and get ready fer the BIG ONE!! Let me know what you think!
Date: 05/10/11 08:56 AM

User: catfish_polak
Comment: Not the best tasters but fun fighters, my favorite catch and relase because of the size they can reach and how easy it is to catch them
Date: 04/10/11 07:38 PM

User: big_b
Comment: I use live minnows,turkey liver and stink bait to catch them
Date: 06/12/08 10:20 AM

User: ezzej
Comment: I cash them with chiken liver,cut shiner
Date: 05/04/08 04:19 PM

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